Grief Ritual
A Guided Grief Ritual
Shaped by the teachings of Francis Weller
“It was through the dark waters of grief that I came to touch my own un-lived life.”
~ Francis Weller
In this culture when we grieve, we often experience isolation and even shame. But grief is an integral part of life that requires our attention if we want to be fully available to life. When we tend our grief, we honor it, help it release over time, and create openings for transformation and renewal.
Grief is our common ground.
When: Saturday March 4, 2023 9:30am - 5pm
Where: Open Sky Retreat Space
Cost: $75
(Bring your own lunch)
Our time together in a gorgeous setting will include:
Songs, poetry, and drumming
Guided writing
Small group sharing
Building a grief shrine
A communal grief ritual
Advance registration is required.
Space is limited to 20 participants.
To register contact Taylor: 707-495-1023 or goodearth@sonic.net