“When I engaged with the Life Path work with Taylor, I had recently moved, launched my daughter from high-school, and quit my job. I was definitely in a place of transition. This carefully crafted program allowed me to uncover what I consider to be my Life’s Purpose, and to see that I am actively engaged in fulfilling it. That revelation brings me a sense of peace that I can always come back to. Taylor acted as a calm, nurturing guide and witness to this process. His careful listening skills, remarkable memory, and insights provided fertile ground for self-discovery. I also appreciated when he shared some of his own process with the work. This mutual sharing helped me to examine other possibilities in my life. Seeing what motivates me at my core and the impetus to move that forward in thought, word, action, and deed is the gift of this experience. ”
“Taylor has always been there as a personal guide for me — at times like a guardian angel and at other times as a friend. He has a gentle presence combined with a willingness to just sit in the moment. A genuine desire to serve comes through in every aspect of his being.”
“Thanks for the sweet connection. It does sustain me to remember you are out there. I am so grateful for our relationship and that we’ve shared nature together. Although the pagan in me is strong, our shared conversation in natural places feels like worship to me.”
“Taylor holds space with a wonderfully gentle yet intense way. I feel blessed to have Taylor as a friend and brother, and I am continually impressed with his commitment to life and right livelihood. This man will grab you and hold you with fervent love.”
“Adventurous, trusting, introspective, and mindful, Taylor is willing to take risks to have a memorable and life altering experience. This process of soul awakening is helpful for all of us.”
“As I reflect on our journey together, the quality that stands out above all others is his consistency. He gives me space when I need it, yet leans in when I need support. For Taylor, love is something to be cherished and honored. He is careful and thoughtful in his choices, and is always looking to grow, learn, and expand as a human being. No conversation or subject is off limits, and he meets me where I am, by holding space for my feelings and my experience. I always know that he will validate me and reflect even my ugliest parts as normal, beautiful, and worthy of love. Taylor has shown up for me in both the darkest and brightest times of my life. He will cry with me, celebrate with me, and be vulnerable in ways many men cannot. Taylor commits himself to integrity by matching his internal world with his external world, and dedicates himself to authentic expression, both on his own behalf and for the benefit of others. He is a father, brother, husband, healer, neighbor, and friend. Like us all, he wears many hats and plays numerous roles within this circle of life. Regardless of which role he plays at any moment, it is his true infinite nature that rises up to support him. I find this quality deeply trustworthy and dependable. I feel blessed to have Taylor in my life, and without hesitation I can say that the world is a better place with him in it. If, like me, you are fortunate enough to walk alongside him on your life’s path, I believe you will experience deep gratitude, and miraculous discoveries of yourself as uniquely beautiful, capable, and worthy of anything you can dream.”
“Your uniqueness lies in a kind of deliberate innocence and appreciation for things many of us take for granted or don’t even notice. Simplicity and gentility — both in the sense of “gentle” but also as “highborn”. You met me with love when I wasn’t even looking for it! I felt seen beneath the skin, and loved for whatever it was that you saw. It evoked in me something generous, a part of me that had not been so generous in myself. But in taking your example, I felt more free to open up my own generosity. Your generosity set a tone of greater acceptance in me, such that I felt more comfortable passing it along to others. You have a knack for helping others open up to something of love that is our birthright.”
“Taylor is one of the most heart-centered human beings I know. Beginning with his own courageous journey out of a family business that did not feed his soul he moved into a life of service and healing. This has included learning grief work with world-renowned grief ritualists, studying indigenous thought, and creating and sustaining men’s groups in the bay area. Taylor is a deeply sensitive and skilled listener who has dedicated his life to transformation. If transformation is what you are looking for, you’ve found a guide who knows the territory. ”
Want to share your experience? I’d love to read it