Process Of Change

Life is full of thresholds to cross:  changing jobsstarting or ending a relationship, birth and death, holding space for someone who is going through a major transition.  It’s crucial to start with what is most important to you at the core level when changes in your life happen—and they will happen.  What are the guiding principles that you live your life by?


Thresholds offer us an opportunity to renew our search for meaning.  If we have the courage to step into the unknown, we may find a gift waiting for us on the other side:  some of the deepest mysteries and keys to our individual destinies are hidden in those shadowy places that hold our sacred wounds.   The wound carries within it the unripened seeds of initiation that can lead to healing when allowed to blossom.

Our mortality is a reminder of the ultimate threshold we get to cross.  The confrontation with death is an unrivaled perspective enhancer.  We are irrevocably altered by walking ceremonially toward what we fear most.  Fear can be an ally if we choose to step into the feeling with openness.  Freedom awaits us on the other side.  

Fearing Changes in Life

There is a path that leads to sanctuary within us.  It begins with inquiry into our deepest self, and having the courage to explore the terrain that is often hidden by shadows and darkness.  It is fertile ground.  Our soul longs for it.

Journey Can Become a Sacred Path 

A Poem by Caroline Adams

Your life is a sacred journey. It is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation -- continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply, listening to your intuition, and taking courageous challenges at every step along the way. You are on the path — exactly where you are meant to be right now. And from here you can only go forward: shaping your life story into a magnificent tale of triumph, healing, courage, beauty, wisdom, power, dignity, and love.