Following Jizo's Path

Everything we do in the physical realm has its reflection in the spiritual realm.  When we expand our garden to new areas of our land, this becomes a reflection of the expansion of our practice into areas of our life that were previously not included as terrain for spiritual work.  In doing so, we follow Jizo's example, carrying the light of dharma into areas of our awareness that were previously dark and foggy.

Jizo's path is called The Great Vow because it is unending.  Jizo's path is forged by Jizo's vow to work unceasingly until all beings are freed from realms of suffering. Jizo's vow is great because it is also unbounded by fear.  When Jizo encounters demons, he does not fall back or move forward.  He simply stands still, and eventually the demons retreat, defeated by Jizo's unwavering presence.

We cannot predict what will be around the next corner as we follow Jizo's path.  Armed with the tools of practice, however, we can encounter whatever is revealed with an open heart and mind.



The chrysalis represents the metaphorical vessel through which our ego-centered world transforms into our soul-centered world.  As with the caterpillar or the seed, we have always had inside of us what is needed for this transformation.  As we go through this journey of soul awakening, we begin to dissolve our identity in order to make room for something new to emerge.  The caterpillar now has wings, and we now have a new awareness.  The seedling has emerged and is ready to reach toward the sky.

So how do we kindle that inner flame that will burn away the facade of our ego?  Who are we behind all the labels?  How do we get beyond the social contract of traditional roles?  First, we have to enter geologic time -- and slow down.  Our old strategies of succeeding, producing, achieving, visioning, and goal setting no longer serve us.  Our soul longs for something more.  In an alchemical fashion, we are needing to melt down or distill our identity until the purity of our true self emerges.  This is an incremental process that must be held with patience and compassion.  Instead of always doing, we need to practice being -- just allowing space to be in the moment so we can attune to our soul.  Silence, stillness, and solitude are critical elements for this time.  There is wisdom in the silence.

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The Chain of Life

Throughout our lives we meet many different souls.  Some of them touch us deeply and leave an indelible imprint on our memories.  Some guide us, nurture us, and support us on our life path  -- like mentors.  Some provide us with something we were missing -- the missing links in our lives.  Some are so sturdy and reliable that we count on them as pillars of support.  

All of the people we encounter in our life are links that make up the chain of our life.  Each link provides a part of our journey that is inextricably linked to other parts of our life.  Who has been a key link in your chain of life?  


The Labyrinth

The Labyrinth provides us with a visual template for the twists and turns of our life.  It is a metaphor for living and a reminder of how just when we think we are on a definite path we run into a curve that changes our life.  When we walk this kind of path we are inclined to look inward and seek truth.  It is a kind of meditation that speaks to our soul.  Sometimes we carry a question into the path, and sometimes we hold a specific intention.  Honoring the Great Mystery as we stand in the center beckons the spiritual world to communicate with us.  If we listen and are open to this form of channeling, there is an opportunity for revelatory experience that we would not have access to otherwise.  If you have never walked a labyrinth I invite you to find one and see how it feels in your body.  

Courtesy of Aqus Cafe

Courtesy of Aqus Cafe